i am only halfway through the book but i have decided i will finish this in one sitting, after i've downloaded it a couple of hours ago.
this book makes me cry, not in a sad way, but in joyful, healing way, of recognition, and affirmation... of what i've seemed to have always known all along to be true, deep in my heart.
thank you to the author, CG Walters, for this book!
for a free download, please click here.
I am glad that Sacred Vow has spoken to you, Jeanette. May it bring many blessings to you and your readers.
From the moment that Sacred Vow introduced itself to me, I knew that it was a Spirit Story...a living story that opens and holds a sacred, safe place for those who visit to enter comfortably into their own truth.
Peace and wonder, dear heart,
Thanks, CG.
I just posted this review on Amazon:
Sacred Vow" achieves what the author sets out to do in his fiction: momentarily bring the reader's conscious "defenses" down to gently expand the reader's concepts of self, reality, the world, the universe, Love.
It also achieves what few metaphysical books immediately achieve: explain to the reader (even someone new to metaphysical concepts) in an engaging, entertaining yet thought-provoking way certain metaphysical concepts like parallel lives and realities, without making the reader feel like being lectured, and in a way that makes the concepts easy to grasp at first read.
This is also the best romance book I've ever read so far: Love without the sex (!) but with a more intimate and intense lovemaking still, passion developed and grown to fulfillment in ways not many people have considered, with the real work and struggle of true loving as the real romance of it all.
I cried as I read the book, and wept quietly when I finished it, but the tears were healing and transformative.
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